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The WatchGuard Firebox is a comprehensive advanced network security platform that puts IT security professionals back in charge of their networks with widely deployable, enterprise-grade security and threat visibility tools suitable for any organization, regardless of budget or complexity. Every year, the average Firebox blocks over 1,300 malware attacks and 250 network intrusions for WatchGuard customers.
WatchGuard offers an award-winning portfolio of network security services, from intrusion prevention service, gateway antivirus, application control, spam blocking, and web filtering to more advanced services for protecting against advanced malware, ransomware, and data theft. When managed in the WatchGuard Cloud, Firebox management and network configuration are simple to set up and configure for multiple clients and different networks. Your team can spend less time on processes and more time on profitability, while still delivering the level of security your customers expect.
Extend your firewall perimeter with Cloud and virtual appliances.
Protect your emails from getting tampered with Topsec’s Managed Email Security.
Explore advancements in online protection, evolving cyber threats, and cutting-edge strategies to safeguard your digital environment.