Meet The Team:
Stephen O’Connor

Technical Support Engineer

Stephen O’Connor

Technical Support Engineer

Stephen recently sat down to share the journey he has embarked on so far that has led him to Topsec Cloud Solutions with us. It was a cyber attack on a friend that ignited his interest in email security, although Bitcoin has played a major role in his career choice too.

Stephen O'Connor pic

Q. 1

Can you give us the name of your role and a detailed background of how you came to work at Topsec?

Stephen: I’m part of the IT support staff at Topsec. My path here wasn’t exactly straightforward—I actually started in marketing. My first job was at a Software as a Service (SaaS) company that managed logistics for large chains, and I was brought in to help promote app design services.

To bridge the communication gap between the marketing team and developers, I started learning the basics of coding through Codecademy. That sparked an interest in IT, and I eventually began studying for the CompTIA A+ certification, which led me into an IT help desk role during COVID.

“While working remotely, I became fascinated with cybersecurity, especially after hearing about a ransomware attack on a colleague.”

That incident got me thinking about how crucial cybersecurity is, and it motivated me to continue my education. I completed the CompTIA A+ certification and worked in IT support for two years. As COVID was winding down, I applied for a role at Topsec, and here I am, two and a half years later, currently studying for my CompTIA Security+ exam.

Q. 2

Beyond a general interest in email security, was there a defining moment that galvanised your dedication to this field?

Stephen: Definitely. One defining moment was during a coffee break at my previous job. A colleague had fallen victim to ransomware and had to pay in Bitcoin to get his data back. That was my introduction to both Bitcoin and the realities of cybersecurity.

The whole experience made me realise how vulnerable individuals and businesses are to these kinds of attacks. It also opened my eyes to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, which plays a big role in today’s digital landscape. From that point on, I knew I wanted to work in cybersecurity.

Q. 3

In what ways does Topsec’s vision for email security resonate with your own personal values?

Stephen: One of the things I really appreciate about Topsec is their focus on customer service. In my previous job, people were constantly put on hold, and by the time they reached someone, they were understandably frustrated. At Topsec, we do things differently.

“We provide a concierge-style service. Calls are picked up almost immediately, and customers speak directly to a person, not a machine.”

That kind of human touch and interaction is invaluable, especially when people are stressed out by technical issues.

There was one case where I had to handle a call while my boss was dealing with an emergency. A client had a major issue, and I promised I’d call back within 15 minutes with an update. I did just that, and the client was so relieved to be kept in the loop. That kind of service sets us apart and aligns with my personal values of communication and trust.

Q. 4

What do you do to manage your work-life balance when you're not dealing with cybersecurity and email security issues?

Stephen: I’m currently studying for my Security+ exam, but outside of work, I like to stay active. I used to box, and while it may sound odd, I find that kind of physical activity really helps me stay present. When you’re sparring, you can’t think about anything else. You’re fully in the moment. It’s a bit like meditation in that sense.

I also follow David Goggins, the ultramarathon runner and former Navy SEAL, whose story inspires me to push beyond mental and physical limits. Training and staying active help me reset and manage stress, especially when things get intense at work.

Q. 5

What do you think is the evolution of the email security landscape?

Stephen: I think AI is going to drastically change the email security landscape, both for good and bad. On the one hand, AI will help us automate and strengthen security measures. On the other hand, it’s likely that AI will also be used to launch more sophisticated cyberattacks.

“Convenience is often prioritised over security, and that worries me.”

People want easy-to-use systems, but that can leave them vulnerable to attacks. With the rise of AI, I think we’re going to see even more targeted phishing attempts and other email-based threats. That’s why companies like Topsec are so important. We provide the protection people need as these threats evolve.

Q. 6

Can you share a particular success story from your time at Topsec?

Stephen: When a team member leaves our team, it is not always easy or quick to get the right replacement  immediately. Myself and my manager had to step up and take on extra responsibility. Despite the increased workload, our service level didn’t drop, and our clients continued to leave positive reviews. My boss even wrote a personal letter to thank us for our hard work, which was great and left me feeling very proud and accomplished.

I’ve also been involved in several cases where we’ve been able to prevent significant issues for our clients by catching and resolving problems quickly. In one case, I kept a client updated every 15 minutes during a particularly stressful situation, and we were able to resolve the issue before it escalated. It’s those moments that remind me why I love what I do.

Q. 7

Looking at the horizon of email security, what emerging trends excite you the most?

Stephen: I’m not the first person to respond with AI’s massive impact on email security – and that impact is only getting started. But what is really exciting for me is people are beginning to see the necessity of a human and AI approach to keeping their organisation’s digital presence safe. A human expert safeguarding your email security boat using AI tools is a formidable deterrent to cyber criminals. AI on its own won’t cut it now or in future.

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