Who Uses DMARC?

Know which organisations use DMARC and why it is important to have the right DMARC policy set

Email Security > DMARC

Who Uses DMARC?

When it comes to email communication, trust is key. And let’s face it; email has become an essential tool for individuals, businesses, and organisations.

With the rise in email attacks and spoofing, strong protection is more important than ever. Many organisations have turned to Domain Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance, also known as (DMARC)

But who uses DMARC? It’s a question that many people still wonder about. Well, the answer is simple – anyone who wants to protect their email domain from being used for malicious purposes.

By Cian Fitzpatrick | 16 September, 2023

What is DMARC?

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) is a widely used advanced email authentication protocol that helps organisations to protect from malicious activities such as phishing, smishing and email fraud. 

DMARC collaborates with two other important authentication methods, SPF (Sender Policy Network) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), designed to secure your emails against misuse and forgery. 

Explore our comprehensive guide on DMARC, which covers all the essential information about DMARC that you need to know.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) enables domain owners to specify which servers can send emails on their behalf. Meanwhile, DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) provides an encryption key and digital signature that verifies that an email message was not faked or altered.

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Why is DMARC Important?

DMARC provides a robust framework and the flexibility to specify how email recipients should treat unauthenticated emails that proclaim to be from your domain. 

DMARC is necessary to combat email fraud, safeguard individuals and organisations from email scams, and promote brand reputation. It also helps create a secure environment for you and your stakeholders.

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Who Uses DMARC?

Whether you’re a small business owner, a non-profit organisation, or a large corporation, DMARC is mandatory for your email security. It safeguards your email and ensures your recipients know your messages come from a trusted source.

Listed below are some of many who can reap its strong protection:

Email Service Providers (ESPs)

Email service providers can fully use DMARC to enhance their email infrastructure security. It ensures that customers receive only authenticated email messages.

Many email service providers, such as Gmail, Microsoft (Outlook), Yahoo Mail, and Apple (iCloud mail), have already leveraged DMARC.

Government Agencies

It is a must for government bodies to implement DMARC to handle sensitive and critical information through email. 

Be it at local, regional, or national levels, implementing DMARC helps them fight against phishing attempts and secure their communication channels.

Financial Institutions

Financial industries are vulnerable to a cyber threat that aims to steal sensitive data. DMARC plays a crucial role in assisting banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to safeguard their customers.

Healthcare Organisations

Many healthcare providers are transitioning their operations online. They deal with patients’ sensitive data through emails, and DMARC helps secure this communication to ensure patient privacy.

Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges and universities regularly communicate through email. DMARC adds an essential layer of defence. It stops attackers from impersonating employees or students with fake email addresses.

Technology Companies

The technology sector is a prime target for cyber threats. DMARC is an essential tool for software companies, tech startups, and IT service providers to maintain their email security and build trust with their clients.

Non-Profit Organisations

Email is a crucial channel for raising funds and reaching out to donors, partners, and supporters of non-profit organisations. Unfortunately, cybercriminals take this as an opportunity to exploit the parties involved. Imposing DMARC strengthens NPOs’ defence and credibility by protecting donors’ personal information and preventing donation loss due to email scams.

Businesses and Corporations

Companies of all sizes heavily rely on email for internal or external communications. Deploying DMARC protects the sensitive information shared through email, such as financial data, trade secrets and strategic plans. Additionally, it provides a layer of trust in its customers by ensuring that emails sent from the organisation’s domain are legitimate and verified.

E-commerce Companies

E-commerce deals with fragile consumer data and conducts transactions through email every day. They need to ensure proper email security. DMARC protects customers from fraudulent emails and phishing attacks.


Individuals often use email for various purposes, including financial transactions, such as online purchases, invoice payments, and banking communications. DMARC ensures that emails from financial institutions are legitimate and prevents fraudulent attempts to steal personal and financial information.

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Examples of Global Organisations using DMARC

Several prominent global organisations have adopted DMARC to bolster their email security and protect their email domains from phishing and fraud. Brands and organisations who have efficiently implemented DMARC, DKIM, and SPF include:

  • Apple (apple.com)
  • Dell Computers (dell.com)
  • Amazon (amazon.com)
  • Walmart (walmart.com)
  • Uber (uber.com)
  • WhatsApp (whatsapp.com)
  • PayPal (paypal.com)
  • Facebook (facebook.com)
  • Twitter (twitter.com)
  • Instagram (instagram.com)
  • Costco (costco.com)
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TOPSEC for DMARC Protection

In the ever-evolving landscape of email threats, businesses must stay one step ahead and take proactive measures to protect their communication channels. It’s never too late to take steps to secure your email communications.

With precise threat detection, a comprehensive security solution and a fully managed approach, Topsec provides exceptional email security services for businesses and organisations. 

Protect your email defences with Topsec DMARC Protection to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of your email communications. Request a quote today.


DMARC’s strong protection and easy implementation are a no-brainer for anyone who takes email security services seriously.

Safeguarding email communication and maintaining customer trust are top priorities for any organisation. DMARC plays a crucial role in the fight against email-related cybersecurity threats, providing a proactive approach that helps organisations comply with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR (​​General Data Protection Regulation). 

Implementing DMARC protects email data from unauthorised access, enabling organisations to uphold the confidentiality and security of their client’s information. 


DMARC is primarily designed for email security and authentication. While DMARC focuses on email, it also indirectly impacts other aspects of cybersecurity by preventing fraudulent emails and protecting the domain’s reputation.

DMARC plays an essential role in stopping email spoofing. DMARC verifies the authenticity of the email sender using SPF and DKIM, which prevents unauthorised senders from using a domain to send fraudulent emails.

Yes, DMARC helps reduce spam to some extent. By implementing DMARC with strict policies such as “quarantine” or “reject”, domain owners can prevent unauthorised senders from using their domain for spamming, thus reducing the spam that reaches recipients’ email inboxes.

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